Crawford Clean Slate’s vision is for everyone in our community to have a fair opportunity to work, have a safe home, access education and training programs, take care of their family, and contribute to their community.
People with criminal records should have access to all available routes toward these opportunities.
We believe that those who have served their sentences and proven themselves to be good citizens should have a shot at redemption.
This helps break the cycle of poverty and legal trouble and leads to self-sufficient families and a safer and healthier community.
Our mission is to provide accurate information and support to eligible individuals who are seeking to clear past criminal records that are holding them back from employment, housing, or family security.
We help explore their possibilities for record sealing or expungement under PA’s Clean Slate law, and for clemency under the Governor’s Pardon process.
We strive to build support for these efforts among the county’s legal, judicial, employer, and service-agency communities.
Crawford Clean Slate is a local, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, staffed and administered by trained volunteers.